Helping small businesses get and stay on course with quality accouting support!
Maximum Business Solutions was founded in May of 2015 by Patti Jones. Patti first had the dream of establishing an accounting services enterprise that served clients with a different approach - a heart approach - not just a technical approach. After spending nearly twenty years in public accounting garnering the expertise and experience of quality accounting practices, she understood that clients and staff were seeking a heart connection with them and the things they cared about most. With this way of connecting her heart to others, she recognized there were many small business owners that had a passion for their business, but not much desire to properly address the bookkeeping that is a necessary part of that business. Wanting to ease that burden, her enthusiasm for wanting to "get involved" with what they cared about, led her to taking on the endeavor of MBS.

We know that part of your success depends on quality business systems that give you timely and accurate feedback. We support small business owners like you with the knowledge and experience that it takes to execute these business systems and deal with the accounting and operational responsibilities of running their business. We thoroughly understand the details that accuracy demands, while still maintaining the big picture awareness of our client's business.
Because we understand that every business owner comes to the table with different skills and goals, we tailor each client's dervice plan to services that fit their need.
We offer solutions to the chaos that can come from not having the right systems in place or enough time to deal with the demanding tasks of running a snall business. With our Accounting and Back Office Process Support Services, you have a solution to the demands of maintaining accurate, up-to-date, and on-time accounting and business records.
With your accounting functions under the care of MBS, you have confidence that they are being handled by experienced and caring MBS staff. This confidence allows you to achieve PEACE OF MIND when it comes to keeping up with those back office demands.